About Technology

About Our Technology

Cosmodent Dental Care (One of the Best Dentist in Dhaka) is equipped with all the latest tools and modern medical equipment to give you the best possible treatment in a friendly environment. We have the latest RVG (Radio Visual Graphics) system from KODAK; a world Leading Company. We use following Equipments for the comfort and better treatment of our patients by Dr. Haider Ali Khan

  • Digital Dentistry and RVG System
  • Latest Autoclave Machine
  • Hot air woven to preserve the instrument after Autoclaving
  • Advanced Dental …
  • High Quality Endo Motor and Apex Locator
  • Automatic mixing machine for preparation of Filling materials
  • Automatic Vacuum machine for transparent retainer,

Benefits o f Digital RVG System

  1. Minimized Radiation
  2. Faster Results
  3. Post Processing Capability
  4. Analog To Digital
  5. Superior Grey Scale
  6. Provide coloring image
  7. Provide length calibration facility
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