Stop suffering by technological advancement with dental implant

Dental Implant can reduce suffering from missing teeth or badly destructed teeth by reducing frequent visit to Dentist due to pain, discomfort, halitosis. Our famous Implant procedure can restore the feeling and function just like the natural teeth by allowing biting, smiling, talking, laughing, and singing with confidence. Once they are in place, it likely to forget even the existence of this. The placement of Dental Implant depends on individual situation and on mouth’s requirement such as bone & surrounding tissue condition of Jaw. After examining details of jaw condition and analyzing supporting diagnostic report we create an individual personalized patient-centered treatment plan. Please visit at COSMODENT DENTAL CARE, Orthodontic & Implant Center in Dhanmondi, Dhaka for consultation. It will allow us to give an accurate estimate of tooth implant cost. This is also a chance of discussion and asking questions about the procedure, advantages, disadvantages, risk and benefit etc.

Ph: 01711-957515

0258613389 (4-9pm)

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